A worldwide net of GAIA teammates
On our interactive map you will find Gaia team members worldwide, in the following categories:
Gaia team member = Individuals who are in the team of Planet Earth
Local Gaia teams = teams that meet regularly to put the vision into action together
Gaia Coaches = coaches who assist individuals, teams and organizations to serve Gaia
Organizations in the service of Gaia = projects, communities, companies already serving Gaia
Gaia Education = educational institutions teaching what is needed for a sustainable life
You belong to one of these categories and would like to appear on the world map? The more we are, the more influence we gain. Just send us a short email and we will pick you up (name, category (s), location, website or email):
I belong to the team!
How you establish your own local Gaia Team
To change the world alone is quite difficult. But when we network, there is a huge league of Gaia teammates that could make a difference. In addition to virtual networking, regular physical local gatherings are one of the most crucial factors in getting „juice“ into the movement. And if there is no existing Gaia team near you, the easiest step is to start one yourself.
Here are the three steps required:
Step 1 – The decision
You alone make the decision to use your talents for Gaia / Planet Earth – you do not need anyone else’s permission. You do not have to apply or wait until someone offers you a job or tells you how to do it. You follow your inspiration! You just start … where you are, with what you have and what inspires you, in your neighborhood. It is quite possible that you do not yet know what you want to do or how it works – or how you could make a living from such an activity. Not knowing it is not a problem – you can still opt for it.
Step 2 – Find the team and get started
Then you find a team in your area. Make a notice in the supermarket, talk to friends about your intention, or search the world map above for people near you. Find a few people who are inspired to join and meet regularly e.g. in the evening every 1-2 weeks. It does not matter if you are only three at the beginning. You need nothing but a room, e.g. your living room – a few glasses and a pitcher of water – and off you go. And then you share your ideas about why you are inspired to work in the Gaia team and together find ideas and possibilities, what you could do and provide. Start common little projects or practices. What can you do today? What can you do in the long term so that you can live from it?
Step 3 – Regular experiments
And then you just start and experiment. You will continue to meet regularly in the team to share what works and what does not work, to generate more possibilites and to inspire others to join. Put your team on the world map and share your experiences here on the website.